Why I Do SFX Makeup

I started this whole ordeal about three years ago. My boyfriend, at the time, wanted to go as the Joker for Halloween. So, I picked up a pretty basic Halloween makeup kit at Walmart and got busy. As you can tell, I wasn't very creative at the time.
The next day, I just started playing around with the paints and testing the waters. It really wasn't anything special, but I uploaded a couple pictures on my Instagram page and my friends became super supportive of my new hobby! Thus began my journey to madness.
Because most of my followers fell on the conservative side of things, I decided to start a new Instagram account called @MissMovieMakeup. I began posting and tracking all of my SFX makeup. Soon I was buying up everything I could from my local party store, trying to improve my skill level and my quality level. Finally, my parents caved and bought me a Mehron SFX kit for me. I finally felt like someone was taking me seriously. 
As the years went on, I always felt better after I had completed a project. Whether it be making my own prosthetics, playing with scar wax, or fooling around with liquid latex. Normally this kind of thing would freak me out. This is because I have a Sensory Processing Disorder. This means that I don't like my hands to get dirty, I don't eat certain foods because of the texture, and I am sensitive to loud noises and bright lights. I can only process one of the five senses at a time when I get in sensory overload. One of the ways to help with SPD is to immerse yourself in the things that make you uncomfortable when you only have to deal with that one sense. So when I do my SFX makeup, I shut myself in my room, play relaxing music, and begin my work. SFX makeup helps me keep focused. It helps keep my SPD at bay. It gives me a sense of purpose. I have a talent that none of my friends possesses. This makes me stand out, and I love every second of it. These are the reasons why I love SFX makeup. 


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